Monday, June 6, 2016

Agenda for bimonthly meeting with PMG NK Region Dharwad to be held on 28-6-2016

All India Association of Inspector Posts and Assistant Superintendent Posts, Karnataka Circle

Vasudeva Chathra
ASP(HQ) o/o SSRM Bangalore Stg Division
Manjunatha. Hubballi
[Circle Secretary]
Assistant Supdt Posts
Haveri Sub Division Haveri-581110
Joseph. Rodrigues
[Circle Treasurer]
Assistant Supdt Posts (HQ) o/o SSPO’s Mangalore Division Mangalore

No:IP/ASP/1-4/2016              @ Haveri                                 the                       6.6.2016

The Postmaster General
North Karnataka Region

Subject: Agenda for Bimonthly meeting with PMG NK Region Dharwad.

Respected sir,

                Kindly consider the following points for the bimonthly meeting,

New items,
1.       Filling up of vacant IP/ASP posts in the region.
2.       Release of pending PLI/RPLI incentive/honorarium to IP/ASP’s. Provision for generation of incentive/honorarium through McCamish software.
3.       Enhance the amount for purchase of mobile handset for IP/ASP’s.
4.       Considering the request of IP/ASP’s

Following officers will attend the meeting; kindly make relief arrangement for them
1.       Sri Manjunatha G Hubballi. Circle Secretary & ASP Haveri Sub Division Haveri.
2.       Sri Vasudeva Chathra ASP (HQ) o/o SSRM Stg Division Bangalore.
3.       Sri S Vijayanarasimha ASP (BD) o/o PMG NK Region Dharwad.

                            Thanking you sir,
                                  Yours sincerely,

Circle Secretary
 IPASP Association                                      Karnataka Circle

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